Friday, January 22, 2010

22 January 2010, I just love Friday xD

The last few days I seriously couldn't blog because I was busy and tired =\ This week have been a disaster to me!! But today was fine =D Okay except this person is now bugging me but I am not gonna say the name. Today in school is normal la but after school, Hazel came =D It been so long since I met her x) Hazel is a best friend to me =D She was the one who advised me how to go through my new school x) And she helped me overcome my shyness =S Haha xD Thank You Hazel for being a great friend to me =] Thanks for the cute little shark clip I got from you xD So we all hang out with Hazel but some had to go back home early D= Then I had to go back home too =\ Anyway I had a fun time being with Hazel and everyone else xD So after that, I went back home and then I went bowling with my brother, sister and their friends xD I was losing all the way =.= I used to be good in it D= I lost the magic touch! Then we went back home and then I went take my dinner and then went to take a bath =P Tomorrow gonna be a Saturday!!! Yay!! I am happy because Saturday I don't have anything at all!! But I am gonna exercise tomorrow which mean I am gonna skip rope and do a lot of dancing to get rid of these fats!! That's all for today =D P.S. Have a safe trip Hazel =] <3

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