Friday, January 8, 2010

8 January 2010, Its FRIDAY!!

Today was normal and nothing really happened x) Its already FRIDAY!!! YES =D Oh I am like listening to Crawl by Chris Brown (THANKS FLORENCE FOR TELLING ME ABOUT XD!). So I am like trying to grow taller now =\ I feel so short la and at 16 years old, girls stop growing D= NOOO!! SO I gonna try growing tall, losing fats and losing eye bags. Oh ya! By the way my eye bags are like disappearing slowly! YESSS =D Now I gonna still continuing doing the cucumber and all the other stuff. Tomorrow its Saturday x) So I will be: Stretching, Jogging, Walking Nicky(actually its same as jogging because I jog with Nicky all the time), Cucumbering =P and eat at the right amount =D That's all for today ;D

P.S. Something majorly happened today and its very bad but I don't want to talk about it on my blog =

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