Tuesday, July 14, 2009

14 of July, Rain,rain =P

Today there was PJK in school. During PJK we could plan anything. Me,Rachel,Pearly,Shaz,Laila,Azlina and Jeffrey played tag. I got tag like for 4 times -.- Then Thiru joined in =D. During the tag, something bad happened (not gonna tell!). After PJK, we had recess and I bought milo because I was like really thirsty after that game of tag. Kimberly sprayed water at me -.- Thx a lot Kim. But I sprayed at Mansee xP ILY Mansee <3. After Recess,class was normal but I was feeling very sleepy I kept falling asleep...During BM we had to do Karangan Bergambar -.- Must finish it by today! At least I finished it =P some people didn't and we had Antologi Oral!! Thx goodness Boys had to start first ( phew...) but some boys have not done it yet because there was enough time =D. Then we had sejarah, we had to do some presentation and Lutfi got Puan Noriati really mad! Everyone in class was very quiet....Omgosh imagine if it was Puan Umma! Die la.

After school, I changed back to PJK clothes and went Desa with Rachel. I sprained my ankle!! Omgosh I was laughing in pain! I was hopping dance and then.... well I sprained it. Then we went to Devis and order our roti bom. Then went to seven eleven, I bought slurpee (yum...). Rachel bought so much food!!! Tsk tsk rachel. Then went back to devis and ate roti bom and it suddenly started to rain. I told Rachel that we are gonna run in the rain! Cos I have to go back at 3.30 p.m. Rachel asked Lisa,Kuan Hong,Adam and Book Kit about how are they gonna go back but they don't know and they wanted to plan to buy an umbrella but none of us want to spend our money xD. So we ran in the heavily ran and I was like drowning! Rachel was running very fast and well I was behind her. I couldn't see in the rain while running. Then we finally reached school (phew... ). Me and Rachel squeezed water out and our shoes smells. Then we change to our dry clothes. I had my Baju Kurung ( school uniform ) and Rachel had her PJK clothes ( she wore uniform to desa). So we changed and Sook Teng followed us. In the changing room, something funny happened to me ( Rachel and Sook teng was like laughing but Rachel was laughing like a mad cow, its not funny -.-). Then we finished changing and we sat down and chat for a while.

Then I went back home because my dad was here and it was 3.30 p.m. ( past 3.30 p.m. already). Came back home and straight away bathes. After bath, I went to my Tap Dance. Today Tap Dance was okay and we learned a new dance steps ( its hard to remember! ). After tap, went back home. I slept for a while and then went up to shower a bit and changed to pajamas. Had dinner. I packed my bag already =)

Now online and writing on blog. Rachel is asking me to stay back on Thursday =.=
Rachel I will give my answer tomorrow k...
Thats all for today =D

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