Monday, July 20, 2009

20 July, Pretty normal

Today in school nothing really happened that much. I normally do my maths tuition hw last minute but this week maths hw was a lot!! then usual. And ya nothing really happen....

I came back home and no maid so me, my mom and sis have to take care of the house while my dad works (my mom also works but she was free today) and my bro is out having fun with his friends
=.= My mom got called from the Calvary Education Resource Centre and said that they will meet my parents tomorrow O.O I asked my mom what facilities do they have and WHOA they have a lot!! I wonder if its really a homeschooling thing but to me its look more like a international school except smaller type... I was doing maths hw like mad because the amount of hw is like plucking blades of grass on a field. So I finally finished it at 5.30 p.m. I was so happy that I finished it, I started dancing and hopping (aha! I didn't sprained my leg xP). Then went to tuition =.=Finished tuition and went back home. When online on the computer and then have dinner. My cousin dropped by to have dinner with us and wanted to use our computer to work for a while. I think Pearly and Rachel will think my cousin is hawt. He is very muscle and ya.... He like to tease me sometimes. My cousin already went back to his place.

Now online and writing on blog
That's all for today =) See so little to blog about....

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