Sunday, July 19, 2009

19 July, Sunday means Church

Yesterday I didn't blog cos I was kinda tired. So now I m telling about what happened yesterday.

July 18, Saturday

I did some English grammar (Singapore). Then had lunch =) I had tom yam rice xP Then the bracelet women came to my house because she had finish making my bracelet xD I LOVE IT!! The colour is aquamarine and white crystals. I waited so long for it... I wore it to tuition. I went to BM tuition and Divya's mom fetch me and drop me. Next week I have to pick up and drop Divya. I sat with Sook Teng, Reena and Onelea in BM tuition. After BM tuition, I went back home (with Divya and Divya's mom). Then they drop me at my hse and went I inside my hse. Then me and my family went out to this Thai Restaurant that we never tried before. When we were about to leave the house, we went to check on our maid but we called so many times that she didn't answer O.O So I thought she run away but she was behind of the hse in the dark. My aunt ask me to on the back light and she was there. She was shock to see us and was like huh??.... Omgosh I was getting worried if another maid gonna run away.... So we went there and ate green curry (Omgosh!! So delicious =P) and some other Thai food. It was a great dinner =] Went back home and bathe. Then I went to sleep (that's why I didn't go online to blog).

The Box to keep the Bracelet =)

My Bracelet!!! <3

19 July, Sunday

Today I went to church and they have something new in the building. I saw teacher Leslie!!!
Hehe =D But I didn't say hi to him =( I was too shy.... I saw his baby xD look like him a lot. I forgot whats his baby name but Ian told me. It was ''Emma!!!'' After mass, I went to Sunday School with Ian. Vanessa was late -.- She was eating Mac Donald's and never save some for us.. Teacher Stewart arrived early today =D We didn't have to join the other class! Me, Vanessa, Ian and Natalie was kinda like talking a lot but we also were paying attention =) OK a bit of attention. I found out that Teacher Steward teaches in Alive Smith =O!!! Omgosh!!! and his children goes there =.= He said it is air condition (stop showing off Teacher Steward =P).

Finish Sunday school, Me and Vanessa walk back to church and I saw my mom and aunt waiting for me. I said bye to Vanessa and went with my mom and aunt to have lunch. First we went to visit Grace Homeschooling again and I now find it to far the place and dirty. We also went to the place they are moving.... Its big but the location is quite dangerous but I still don't know.... We also had another homeschooling place. Calvary Education Resource Centre, its near your house Pearly. And its nearer to my hse (a lot nearer!!). I visited it before last Friday also. I was too lazy to blog about it on that day. I visited the school on that day and its was quite exclusive. So now I m deciding =\ After that, we went to eat Dim Sum =P Yum yum.... Then we went to Tropicana to shop for some stuff.
While we were about to buy some groceries to cook dinner, my mom got a called. When she had finish, she said it was my dad and told that our maid ran away O.O Omgosh!!! THE BLOODY MAID RAN AWAY!! WE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING AND WE DIDN'T SCOLD HER THAT MUCH!
My mom was depressed and decided not to buy anything. So we went home and yup, she did ran away. Her bags are gone and her other stuff. At least she didn't take any of our stuffs. My mom and aunt said it must be some people from outside influence her to run and offer her a job. I think yesterday she was making contact with the people when we went to search for her and she was at the back of the house with the light off means it was dark. So we have to take care of our self now as in wash the dishes, keep our clothes and etc. =.= My mom said she doesn't want to have anymore maids. My dad went to do a police report and I went to help my mom with some housework.

After, all that.. I went to take a nap. I woke up and watched TV a bit. After finishing watching TV, I went to bathe and changed to pajamas. My mom cooked dinner (my mom cook better than the maid). I had dinner and my mom said I should go Calvary and don't go to Graces. Since my stupid maid ran away and it will be much easier if I go study some where near from my house. I also agree but I m not sure... I think Calvary is not bad and they have fencing =P My mom said I could take it (Yay!!)

Now online and writing on blog. Still deciding which school I will take (mostly Calvary)
That's all for today x\

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