Friday, July 10, 2009

Me at pearly's hse

Today in school was like normal but almost everyone was talking about the maths and sciences gonna be in BM! WTH. I might want to change school which don't have maths and sciences in BM and dun have BM at all!! A lot of ppl wanna change school too. Most wanna change to international school. After school I followed back with Pearly ;P Ate mee goreng(yummy!) Then tried some of Pearly's dresses for iu day ( walao so many!) dat the main reason of going to her hse. I still at her hse right now....

Chosed 1 dress so far for iu day -.- She got so many nice dresses xD. We went on FB for a while and then chat a bit. Today i created my blog, Pearly help me xD thx Pearly!! So ya.. Kim i finally create a blog and u and Pearly realise i still have my Finding Nemo purse =.= I will get a new purse la. So dats all for today ( still in pearly's hse and using her comp to write this ;P, going back at 5.30 p.m.
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Came back from Pearly's hse =] Got scolded from dad -.- cos i didn't wait outside and call him. Painted my toe nails with Pearly ;P Came back and look for a new school for me to start... why do they have to change it to BM! ish!! it make me so angry!

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