Monday, July 27, 2009

27 July, back to school, Last day of math tuition!! Aunt Birthday =]

Today I am kinda lazy to blog that much I just gonna make it short =]

Today I went back to school. During KA time this librarian teacher was wearing her baju kurung backwards xD Omgosh I was like laughing so much!!! Then after school, I went to eat at Kim Gary... I ate baked cheese rice =P Then I went back home... I was doing my maths hw =.= Today was my last math tuition =D!!! I went to math and did correction and blah blah.... And math ended!!! no more math tuition!!!! but I got a lot of science Hw =.=She expect me to finish it in 2 days!!! Crazy teacher!! At least I done with math =P Then went back home and quickly bathe because today is my aunt birthday. In the car me, sis and my cousin were like talking about ghost stories... we reach the Restaurant and went to eat. We ate different dishes.... Finished eating we went back home and everyone went back... I went up to bathe and change to pajamas... I packed my school bag already.....

Now online and writing on blog. See.... so short =P I never been online for the whole day...
That's all for today =]


  1. natasha follow myy blog la old++new kk
    :) Love you

  2. my 2 blogs
    1st one old
    2nd nnew
