Tuesday, July 21, 2009

21 July, News!!

Today in school was funny xD When we are gonna change to our PJK clothes and in the toilet changing, Kim's socks fell in the toilet drain flow xD!! And Az said it is brown in colour now because the drain flow of people pees and shit LOL!! Me, Pearly and Rachel were laughing like hell!! But is actually that's colour of the socks already. Her socks are wet xD During PJK we played tag again and I was IT because I volunteer. Then we I tag people and ya...

We went for recess and I was like asking for some coins from Bryan Hon but he kept on saying he don't have =.= Then I got from Khajal (Divya's sis) and Sook Teng xP ILY guys!! I wanted to buy 100 plus from the vending machine. Az begged me to give her coins. NO!! I m not gonna give coins because I took time to get coins and she is asking me -.-!! Then it started raining and reminded me and Rachel about the time we ran back from desa in the heavily rain . This Rachel was laughing because of how funny I was in the rain running and being tired and stuff =.= I went to the vending machine with Pearly(she also want to buy 100 plus). She put her money in but the vending machine was so spoiled and in the end... it ate her money. Pearly was so pissed off and when I tried some friends help me and I got my 100 plus =D!! So Pearly and Rachel was like drinking some of it -.- No la.. Its okay... I share drinks with my best friends =) Then went back to class and it was normal la... I wasn't going to Desa today.

Went back home and ate pasta for lunch. Then went to tap. Today tap was GREAT!!!
Ms Shirena said I have improve a lot and she knows it is hard for me because I skipped one grade =D She said was proud of me but she said she is worried for Annie... Annie and I skipped one grade only both of us but she said Annie is kinda blur and have 1 more month of holiday. I m taking the exam and Annie also (that's why teacher is worried). I bought my CD =D!! And I asked Ms Shirena to burned the songs for grade 4 for me to practice. Now I got music to practice =P

I came back home and slept.....I woke up and went to bathes. Then had dinner.
Now online and writing on blog =) I am not gonna be in school for 3 days this week because I am gonna do a test for the Calvary Education Resource Centre ( CERC ) and I have like sitting 2 papers a day. So I have to wake up later then school time =P I hope I can do it =)
That's all for today

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