Friday, July 24, 2009


I went to Calvary Education Resource Centre to do my test so that mean I didn't go to school today =( I wonder how people in school are doing now without me.... I continue with English and did a new test on Science. I started Science and grade 2 and 3 was easy until I reached grade 4!!Omgosh I was like panicking!! I don't know anything about rocks =.= But at least I know most of them.. I think. Then at 12.25 p.m. I went to have lunch with my mom at Sakae Sushi =P I ate don salmon and drank a nice cup of ocha... We finished eating and my mom was about to pay. Suddenly, my mom ask if that was PQ.. This is how the conversation...

Mom: Is that PQ at the side there??

Me : No laa ( I thought she meant at our other side )

Mom: Is that Puan Cheang?

Me : where??( I look out to check )

Mom: And that is PQ wearing his sily hat.

Me : OMGOSH!!! Mummy its them!!! Ahhh!!! Both of them know me!

Mom: Can I tell her why you didn't come to school for so many days

Me : NO NEED!! I will tell in school. PLSS!!!

Mom: why?

Me : if you go say hi to them and PQ will be like '' Hello Aunty ''

Mom: lets go and pay quickly. ( haha xD my mom don't like to be called aunty )

Then I sneak out and hide behind the pillar.. (phew...). Then we went back to Calvary to do my test =.= I didn't get to talk to the massaleh dude =( He was in the other room doing his test. I was in the Computer room. So I started back at 2.15 p.m. I was listening to MP4 Player(I secretly bring xP). At 5.28 p.m. I finished the test!!! WOOHOO!!!! Omgosh I started dancing to I gotta feeling (Music from MP4). I went to the office and told them I finished =) The Principle, Ms. Catherine was shocked. She ask me how many days it took. I told her exactly 3 days. And she told me that people around my age takes 2 weeks. I was like O.O And she congrats me. I called my mom and waited for her. I think I am the last person to go back..

My mom arrived and I went back home. I practice piano a bit and went out to jog and walk Nikki. I met Inas Grandma. I said Hi to her and chat with her a bit. Then I went back home and practice piano. After that, I had dinner =P Soup today was delicious!

Now online and writing on blog. I broke the news to Pearly,Rachel and Kim. About me gonna leave the school in September ='( It was kinda hard for me to break it to them. I promise I will always visit you guys everyday (I try). I am damn sad now ='( Aisyah can also come to my house xP You guys also(Pearly,Rachel and Kim).
That's all for today. P.S I still not yet bathe xP

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