Thursday, July 30, 2009

Stay Back

Today in school, KH period was finished by Nilam and speech =D Yeah!! No need to have class with that Owl Teacher!! Then I had sejarah class -.- I wanted to sleep but Puan Noriati is fierce! Sejarah finished, I went out for recess with Pearly,Rachel,Kim and Az..... I bought an ice-cream =P I just feel like having an ice-cream today. Kim bought books from the book selling thingy... Kim so hardworking xD Then recess finished, went to the science lab and sat next with Sook Teng and Adam xD We went out to do the sun magnifying thing.... We all tried to burn the paper but failed =( I did it at home before with a snail xD I hate snails! I still do! Then we went back to class and other classes was normal...

After school, I stayed back with Rachel and went to Desa =P We went to Devis, we ordered our food and Linda also joined us =] We went to 7 eleven to buy drinks and then came back to Devis and ate our food =P I ordered Roti Bom hehe =P You can ask Rachel what she ordered xP Linda only ordered drinks for herself (2). Then Linda paid for us =D aww so sweet =] Thank You Linda.... One day I treat you ;P Then went back to school and did a lot of stuff that I not gonna tell you all the details... Then Me and Rachel went to jogged around the school. When I was taking our my shoes to take out a pebble, Rachel was kicking my shoes that I was holding =.= I got so pissed off, I was using my shoe to hit her foot but then it flew off and Rachel quickly ran to get it and went off with my shoes =.= This Rachel have nothing else better to do...I went to chase after her but then she was so fast and I just walked. When she was talking Teacher, I had the chance to get my shoes back xD AHAHA I bet teacher was wondering why is she carrying a shoe when she already wearing a pair xD Then Naim bought this bomb plastic thingy. Imir put the bomb under Rachel and my butt and Rachel ran away but I was still sitting there looking at Rachel's camera and then it pop!!! Omgosh!! I scream like a Mad ass cow =.= Then played bomb and cam whore with Rachel =P

Then I went back home, Rachel also was going back to her home. I came back and went online. Then I took a nap and woke up to go Piano. Me and my sis were late for Piano -.- So today piano was okay...Teacher Jade still scolded me =.= But I think I am improving =D Finished Piano and went back home. I took a bath and went down for dinner.

Now online and writing blog. Tomorrow its Friday =D but almost all my friends are going for camp =( I am now eating durian and drinking sparkling juice =P I hope I get my result tomorrow =\ I really can wait any longer!!
That's all for today =P

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