Saturday, August 1, 2009

31 July, Last Day of July!

Today is day that Pearly, Rachel, Reena, Sook Teng, Aisyah and everyone else went to camp.... They leaves at 11.00 p.m. sharp (I think). At least I get to spend time with them during moral and recess time =] . After recess, I was kinda lonely =( No Sook Teng to talk to ;( At least I have Vanessa to talk with but she all the way to the back =.= so I can't talk to her because teacher will scold... Actually I shouldn't care because I am like leaving school so its time to do a lot of crazy stuff with my friends! They all will come back on Sunday 5.00 p.m. (that what Aisyah said). I don't have anyone to chat with during the whole 3 days!! I wanted to go but they all come back on Sunday and I have Church on Sunday so cannot....

School finished and I went back home. I went online on the comp and play games. Then Kim went online =D I wasn't alone!! Kim didn't abandoned me ^_^ ILY KIM!! <3 Then I chatted with her and stuff but then she left early -.- Then Vern chatted with me =P Finished playing computer and I went up to my room to practice my dance because I trying to win this dance thing. If you get chosen, you will get a free ticket to MTV World Stage!! My sis also trying it out but she really gonna do it! For me... I am too shy and still learning my steps.... My sis is like finished the whole thing (advance 2) and I like not finish (Grade). Then I was tired of doing, I slept the whole afternoon....

I woke up and I went online and I chatted with Linda. I played games and then off the computer. I was going to Gardens with my mom,sis and aunts. We all shop in Gardens =P I bought 2 cute shirt^_^ We shopped till the mall closed. Then we went out for dinner. We all ate mee and laugh about the old times xD. Finished dinner, we went back home. I went to bathes and changed to my pajamas.

Now online and writing on blog. I don't know what I am gonna do tomorrow because I have no more tuition so.... I really clueless. I think I just follow where my mom go. Oh yeah.. My results will come out on Tuesday means I have to skip school on Tuesday. YEAH!! I will skip Sejarah =P Today is the last day of July and tomorrow is August the 1st O.O 1 more month to my birthday... exactly 1 more month.
That's all for today ^_^

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