Tuesday, August 18, 2009

17 August....Yesterday, Camera Women =P

Yesterday in school I brought all the textbook to school -.- It was damn heavy! Me and Reena went to the form 3 block but Cikgu Siti Afifah wasn't there -.- Then Rachel followed me to the form 3 block still wasn't there =.= Again Me and Reena but we went to form 5 block which was kinda scary O.O Then went back to the library and Niro, Udham, Pearly, Reena and Rachel were playing the 3D game o.O And Udham dared Rachel to pinch my cheek and lick it O.O!!! And she did -.- EEEEE YUCK!! And when the pen spin to Rachel again... Udham asked her to go kiss me on the LIPS!!! Stupid Udham!! WHAT IN THE WORLD YOU HAVE AGAINST ME!!! =@ but then I was save from the bell ^_^ I told them that I go to church so I cannot let a girl kiss me.... but my mom kiss me o.O but I love my mummy <3 KA finished and went back to our class. I asked Sook Teng to follow me =) Cikgu Ainor told me that Cikgu Siti Afifah could be in 5 Jupiter.... So me and Sook Teng went there and YESS!!!! She was there ^^ I asked her to sign and she asked me to put the books at the bilik guru on her desk -.- So we went back to class and I, myself went alone to book the books. Then it was Geo and I slept in class =P NO MORE TEXTBOOK TO CARRY ^^

School finished and my mom cooked fried rice =P Finished eating, went online on the computer for the whole day..... Then I took a bath and change to going out clothes because I am following my sis to the skate park because she and her friends are gonna practice their dance. My sis friends came over for dinner and I ate with them =P Finished dinner and we went to the skate park... My sis asked to take picture for them and it was kinda fun ^^ She asked me to take random picture and I did. It was fun =P Then it was 11.15 p.m. so we all went back... Eugene took us back ;P Thanks Eugene ;D Then I took a shower and changed to pajamas and went to sleep Zzzz

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