Tuesday, August 11, 2009

11 August, Adventure =D

Today in school was normal but we didn't have PJK today because teacher was busy -.- School finished and me, Rachel, Pearly, Kim and Azlina went to Desa. We ate at devis =P I ate roti bom and drank 7 up. Finished eating and Me and Rachel went back to the school. Pearly, Kim and Az went somewhere. Me and Rachel walked pass Reena Sivapalan house xD Then went we reached outside near school, we saw Reena Sivapalan x) We asked her why she stayed back and she said we were suppose to stay back for the KH (sewing the skirt thing). Me and Rachel was like O.O OHH NO!! We saw the owl teacher sitting down outside the school bench. She was waiting for her husband to fetch her. Me and Rachel dare not go in the school. So we sat across the school where everyone wait for their transport and where the hawker food all sell their stuff. We sat down and the Owl was starring at us with her owl eyes O.O!!! But not all the time. She sometimes look. Me and Rachel cannot take it so we ran back to Desa.

Then we saw Az and Pearly coming back. Me and Rachel warned them that the KH teacher is sitting there and we had to actually stay back for KH class. Rachel randomly asked a women 'what time is it??' The women said its 3.20 p.m.!!! My dad is coming at 3.30 p.m. and he very punctual!! I said Bye to Pearly, Azlina and Rachel. I didn't care if the KH teacher scold if she sees me but its better than getting scolded than my dad right? Then Pearly and Azlina went somewhere again. Rachel ran back with me =D Yeah! She gonna protect me ^_^ When I got back, the owl was gone!!! Yes!! but then I saw my dad car O.O I quickly waved at a random house to show that I went to my friend house(Lied). And Rachel know what I was doing and she fell down and laughing like a Hobo -.- I was shouting at Rachel to not laugh because it's gonna be obvious!! Then I ran to my dad and told him I just came out of my friend house which was opposite school (Lied). And my dad believe me (I think). I went in and get my bag safely because no owl to watch x)

I said bye to Rachel and I went back home. I got home and quickly changed to my dance clothes and went to my tap class. Tap class today was difficult because I can't on getting my steps wrong. I think the owl teacher gave me a blur presence from the owl eyes O.O Finished tap, I went back home. Came back and I went to bathe and changed to pajamas. I went online and chatted with some people. Then I had dinner, I was eating in front of the computer =P

Now online and writing on blog. Now I know who was the one who threw a brick at my sister xD I am damn scared for tomorrow because I gonna have class with Owl Teacher and its on first period!!! Omgosh!! Me and Rachel are in trouble because I think she knows it was us that sat down across the school!! Okay I just talked to Azim and asking him about leaving certificate. He told that it will write about your attitude O.O Omgosh!! Now I am scared that the Owl teacher can write bad note about me!! But Azim said the class teacher will be the one (phew..) but still she might asked all teacher about how I behave O.O I staying back for tomorrow... HAPPY NOW RACHEL!!! I staying back for the PBSM thing actually =P Today was actually a fun adventure for me and Rachel *_* I gonna go get my leaving certificate tomorrow. I done packing me bags for school -.-

That's all for today =\

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