Friday, August 7, 2009

7 August, Results day

Today I didn't go to school (SMKSH), I went to CERC school instead because I was going to get my marks today =O I woke up at 8.00 a.m. I wasn't sleepy. Then washed up,change clothes and had Milo for breakfast xP We went there at 9.20 a.m. and reached at 9.35 a.m. Me and my parents went in the office and see Mrs Fu Shuan (I don't know how to spell it). We waited for Mrs Catherine. Finally she came and took us to her office. I can see that this principle is very stylish x) She told me my results and said I did quite well for a student coming in from government school. This is my results, which grade I will be studying in :

Language Arts = Grade 5 (79.3%)

Math = Grade 6 (78.2 %)

Science = Grade 6 (72%)

I think I did badly -.- The diagnostic test said that if you past at least 70% you can get to the next grade for diagnostic test. But if your gonna do the real exam.. You must at least pass 80% to get to the next grade. So English is grade 5, math and science is grade 6 <-- this are the grades that I will start when I enter the school. So ya... My class is called 'Agape' I wonder what does that mean?? My parents have to not fill up the registration form and other form. I also have to filled up my own form also. My form is like' Have you smoked before?' Obviously not -.- So we met the teacher who had mark my science and math. Her name is Ms. . She will be my math and science teacher =P Finished doing all this, we went out to eat lunch and I just remembered that we cannot eat meat today -.- Damn it.

Came back from lunch, I went online and chat with some friends. I watched Kaba Modern again =P My sister was sick =O I thought she had Him1. My mom took her to the doctors and she came back. The results is, she doesn't have (phew..). Then Linda told me that I pass the interview =O!!!! HUH?!?! Omgosh!! but I cannot be too sure but she asked Darren who is the president of the interact club. She told me that Darren said my dance was funny =P And everyone in the room laughs till non-stop (that what Linda told me). Good =) I wanted them to laugh. When I walked out the room, I was like damn! they didn't laugh =( But they did =D When the minute I walked out, they started to laugh xD Yeah!! I just happy that they laugh =]

Later, I went to Sri Hartamas Shopping centre to buy some groceries. After finished shopping , I went back home. I went to look for movies to watch. I watched Monster vs Aliens xD Its quite funny =P Then after the movie, I went down to eat dinner =P After dinner, I did some English grammar exercise (my mom give me work to do -.-). Finished doing English, I went to take 2 pieces of durian =P Linda called me and I asked her about the interview stuff again. She said she asked Darren ' do you know Kelly Natasha Khor and sister of someone' -.- You don't have to use my full name -.- Darren said ya and she also asked him 'did she pass the interview?' Darren said 'yes' and she said really? Darren said 'ya... maybe'. Maybe! So I not really sure.... Anyway I made them laugh =] After talking to Linda, I went to bathe and change to my pajamas =P

Now online and writing on blog. Tomorrow is Pearly's Birthday =P I forgot that I left her present in someone house...... So Pearly I will give it on another day kay.... We are all going to OU to celebrate her birthday =D We are gonna watch GI JOE xD Aisyah is addicted to Kaba Modern xD I also =P I love their dance!! I want to that dance in my concert next year ;P Maybe I can tell Ms Shirena... I am gonna stay up until 12.00 a.m. with Pearly and wish her Happy Birthday =)
That's all for today =]

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