Monday, August 3, 2009

3rd of August, Aisyah came over to my house =]

Today in school was normal and tiring. Pearly, Reena, Sook Teng and Aisyah came back from camp =] But they were very tired... I don't know about Aisyah... So ya today was normal in school. I did my math hw in KA. No, not Mrs.Kanchan. I quit hers =D Its school math hw. I talked to Vanessa while we were doing our hw. We were talking about T-Shirt ;] Then KA finished, we had math. Math finished, we went to our next subject which is Art. I didn't finish my artwork -.- I want it to be nice =] Then I finished it xD but then go another one to do =.=

School finished, Aisyah went back with me. We were suppose to go swimming but I got my 'IT'. We stayed at home and play with the computer(we were eating lunch while playing with the computer). I showed Aisyah Kaba Modern!!! She too like it =P who will not like it!! She also like the songs they use to dance. Then we off the computer and went up. We saw my bro and sis playing PS2. They were playing the fighting vs type of game. Then I asked my sis to let me play =D She gave me the control so I am playing with my bro. He kept on winning and we both keep using the same characters =P He never give me chance to win =.=

After the PS2 game, my sis and bro went out because my sis was going to practice her dance with her friends (my bro just want to see). Me and Aisyah went to play badminton in the park. We also played with the swings =D We had fun ;P The shuttlecock always get stuck on the tree =.= So we went to the other side to trees at all =).Then we went back home and go online on the computer. I chatted and web cam with Kim =P She was showing Snowy on her web cam xD Snowy so cute!!! and fat! Awwww..... I chatted with Rachel and she told me that she was sick =( aww rachel. Get well soon kay =P I then asked Aisyah to help me with the blog. She help me get the Cbox and how to link people =D So I now have those things in my blog =] Yay!! Then Aisyah help me to get the skin for my blog. We went on blog and I want my theme to be 'dance'. So we finally found one suitable. Then we chose it =) We have to edit the Cbox and the links again =.= So we did the links first. Then we went to the Cbox. My mom called us to eat dinner, we weren't finish yet.... Then I went back to check for a while.... I accidentally lost the page O.O IT WAS ALL GONE!!! NOOOOO! So I was sad =( We had dinner and I was telling Aisyah how sad I am and all her hard work of helping.... Sorry Aisyah =( But thx for helping me to how to do it =P

Then Aisyah went back home, I said bye to her and she said bye back =) I said Hi and Bye to her mom also. I went back in and tidy up the place and then I went to bathe. I was thinking of the ghost in the mirror again but I wasn't scared anymore =D So I could bathe without being scared ^_^ I changed to pajamas. I went online and went to my blog. I went to do some stuff and I got my Links and Cbox back =D Yay!! Kim told me that she help me but if my password is secret... No one know my password....

Now online and writing on blog. I trying to do my blog and I am going to school tomorrow. My result meeting is cancel. I will go on Friday for the result meeting. Linda is buying me a treat tomorrow =P Thank You Linda =D Your a great friend to talk to and to be with. ^_^

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