Monday, August 31, 2009

30 August, Sick in bed

I was Sick the whole day!!! It started last night so I didn't even go to church =( I slept the whole day also =.= I just went to the doctor and she checked on me. She said its just a mile flu =.= Phew.... At least its not H1N1. So I stayed in bed for the rest of the day. I didn't eat anything. I couldn't upload my pictures!!! I didn't have the strenght to go online on the computer!!! Pearly called me but my phone was off but she sms me. She asked me if I was sick also because most off them were sick also O.O It must be the hang out in Mid Valley that made us sick. Pearly and Sookie weren't sick but Rachel and Linda were sick like me. Omgosh!! I don't want to be sick!! It suck to be sick =.= I hope I get well by Monday so that I can enjoy my Birthday which is on this Tuesday!!

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