Sunday, August 23, 2009

23 August, Fun day and a Tragic day for Nicki =O

Today I went to mass and there was no Sunday School =( After mass, we went to eat at Dim Sum. I ate salad prawn =P After eating, we went back home. My mom and Grandma are going back to Penang because my mom need to send back my grandma to Penang with my other cousins. So I said Bye to mom and Grandma =( I will miss them.

After they have left, I went online on the computer talking with people. Suddenly, Pearly called me and asked me to go swimming with her. I went to ask my dad and my dad let me. Pearly was so happy ( I was happy too =P). So I packed my swimsuit and other stuff. Pearly's mom fetched me and we went to the Shooting Club.

Me and Pearly went to change into our swimsuit. Then we cam whore a lot and float on Pearly's Floaty =P It was damn tiring to pumped it -.- but we managed to do it x) After swimming for a while, we were hungry so we ate Chicken wings, french fries and Nasi Lemak O.O That's a lot!! I drank Ice blended Mocha and Pearly drank Ice blended Chocolate =P After those snack, we went to swim again ^^ We went to play at the slide xD And Cam whore again but then the batteries suddenly went out -.- After that, we went to the playground. We played this round about thingy. I spin Pearly but I was tired but when Pearly spin me....I was damn scared!! I asked Pearly to stop but she just kept on and laugh evilly -.- Finally she stopped and we just kept on playing. After that, we went to swim a bit again.

Then 4.40p.m. we went to take a bath . While I was bathing....My water suddenly stopped!!! Omgosh and my whole body still have soap! So I have to use Pearly one -.- I WAS NUDE!! So in the end, everything work out but we were late to fetch Jade (Pearly's sister). So we rushed out and quickly went in the car. Pearly's mom quickly drives and we told her why we were a bit late... The incident in the toilet -.- So Pearly's mom understand =) So fetched Jade and after that they send me back home =]

I got home and I went online on the computer. My bro went to take Nicki out for a walk. After that my bro came home and told me that Nicki got bitten by a GERMAN SHEPHERD =O!! Omgosh! I nearly cried ='( My bro was just walking Nicki and a maid was walking the German Shepherd -.- And the maid accidently slipped the German Shepherd and it ran to Nicki and bite it!! On the dick!! Nicki was bleeding!!!! It was holding Nicki in the air!! Omgosh!!! STUPID GERMAN SHEPHERD!! IF I WAS THERE!!! I WOULD TAKE A GUN AND SHOOT IT!! BANG!! DEAD!! MY BRO WAS ACTUALLY BEATING THE GERMAN SHEPHERD TO MAKE IT STOP BITING NICKI!! AND THE STUPID MAID JUST STAND THERE PANICKING! Finally she came and took the German Shepherd away...My bro carried Nicki home =( So we quickly send him to a vet. Our neighbour Alina who stay a few houses away from us helped us. My aunt, bro, aunty Alina and me went to send Nicki to Tun Razak Vet. We took him there and the Vet told us that he need to stay over night but we didn't agree because Nicki will be scared and alone and will cry =( So they just gave him injection but they said must bring him tomorrow for X-ray and clean his wound. So we paid RM107. We went to the German Shepherd owner and asked her to pay. So she did and we told she will have to pay another one because the vet told us to see them tomorrow. She agree and we went back home. We nurse Nicki and fed it...We are still upset =(

After that, my aunt said she will take care of Nicki and we will go out and eat dinner. We went to eat dinner at some shop that I don't know. After dinner, we went back home. I got home and bathe and changed to pajamas. Then I went online on the computer.

Now online and writing on blog. I am with my Nicki now also. He is sleeping in the computer room. Aww Nicki... I love you so much Nicki =) Thanks Pearly for treating me go swimming =P
That's all for today. I pray for my dear Nicki...

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