Wednesday, August 12, 2009

12 August, PBSM party =]

Today the owl teacher didn't scold me =D YES!!! She was in a good mood because everyone was at the bengkel in time =) So I have to redo my skirt thing -.- So I did it and Pearly helped =) Thank you Pearly ;) When KH finished, I went back to class but I was going to the old block. I forgot that we changed class for a while at the form 3 block. So I quickly ran!! I scared Cikgu Maria was in class. I got in the class and CK told me that she didn't come =D YAY!! After class, I went down to call my mom and check if she went to do the leaving cert. She did and she told me it will be ready on Monday. So I said bye to her and I went to see my friends. I went to koperasi and buy some chocolate =P I was with Pearly, Kim, Rachel and Az....

After recess, we went to hormat class because there is where we have moral. During Moral, I was drawing the owl xD I was jobless. Arvind gave me a lot of chocolates xD Thank You Arvind ;P. Natalie Lim called me and said that teacher Azila wants to see me o.O I thought she gonna scold for not finishing my science notes!! I went to her and she was actually asking me if I am still changing school (phew..). I told yes. She told me that tomorrow is the last peka experiment so she will give it to me tomorrow the file. So I went back to class and talk to Pearly, Rachel, Kim and Reena =D Moral finished and I went back to class. Puan Nohazitah (Eng teacher) knows I am leaving -.- We had normal class.

After school, I was planing to go to 7 eleven to buy 7 up for the PBSM party =P I went down stairs and Puan Cheang wanted to talk to me o.O She asked if I am really gonna leave school. I said Yes! but she kept asking me why and I kept saying the same answer -.- She said I am actually a clever girl but can't she see that I am not good at BM! I told her that this school I am going don't need tuition because the teacher will pay more attention to you. I mean you already have a school... why in the world you need extra class when you already have a school to teach you o.O. I said bye to Puan Cheang and then Cikgu Ainor asked me why I am changing school -.- OMGOSH!! DOES ALL THE TEACHERS IN THE SCHOOL KNOWS I AM LEAVING SCHOOL =.= I told her the same answer as Puan Cheang.

Then I went to hanged out with Linda and we ate Ipoh Old Town =P I did go to 7 eleven to buy 7 up but since Aisyah Katrina didn't bring any food so I didn't buy. I ate Ipoh Hor Fun and drank mocha (I think Ipoh Hor Fun is the only food I eat there -.-). Then Rachel with Az being very angry. She said I ditched them because she thought I was gonna buy 7 up and go back to school to have PBSM party but she see me in Old town. Even though I didn't buy 7 up and go for the PBSM, I still wouldn't be hanging out with them -.- Anyway I am sorry.Linda treated me today =D Thank You Linda x) I went back to school and Linda followed me because I am scared to go back alone. When I got to school, Linda have to go back to Desa because she going for piano class. Thank goodness when she got there, she didn't get wet in the rain =) I went in the school and saw Rachel and Az. After talking to Rachel for a while and she said that she wasn't angry at me or Linda =) I went to see Aisyah =) Both of us went to the PBSM thing and we ate some food =P Pearly and Rachel came to visit. Pearly wanted some food but she cannot because she is not in PBSM. So she asked me to get some food for her -.- I went and gave it to her. Then they went back and I accompanied them because they were gonna go back. When they both went back, I went back to PBSM. I ate the BBQ chicken.... I talked and walked with Aisyah.

After the PBSM party, Aisyah and I went back home. Aisyah went back first and I waited for my mom but my dad came instead. I came back home and went to bathe because all the smoke was flowing through my hair so my hair smelled o.O After bathing, I went online and chatted with some people. After that, I went to eat dinner and my sis showed me an awesome video of the boys at the Skate Park was doing a lot of break dance, hand stands, high jumps, helicopter and etc o.O Damn a lot of muscle! After dinner(today dinner was nice x)), I practice my piano a bit. Finished playing the piano, I went online.

Now online and writing on blog. Pearly showed me the video of Lady Gaga is actually a man and a women o.O I saw the penis!!! She wasn't wearing undies!! But she considered herself as a women O.O WOW...
That's all for today xP

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