Monday, August 31, 2009

31 August, Getting better =D

Today I woke up very early because yesterday I have been sleeping the whole day =.= I went online the computer. I had to update some stuff ;) My dad asked me if I want to eat miku. I said yes because miku is delicious xD I am still a bit sick =.= After I ate my miku, I took my medicine. I hate medicine!! I took my medicine and then I went to take a bath because it will make me more refresh. After that, I went to my bedroom. I slept for a couple of hours. I woke up and went downstairs.

My mom cooked lunch. She cook me the nice Loh Che Fun soup =P I ate it but I couldn't eat that much. After lunch, I went online on the computer to upload my pictures. My computer Internet was so slow. That's why I couldn't upload my picture quickly and it kept on failing =.= Finally I was able to upload them on FB. Then I start tagging people ;P

After all that, I went to bathe and changed to pajamas. I went to have my dinner. Today dinner was okay. At least I am able to eat already =) Yesterday I didn't have any appetite to eat =.= Finished dinner, I went online on the computer

Now online and writing on blog. Tomorrow is the day I am gonna start my new school and my birthday ^^ I gonna be very shy tomorrow O.O This people are completely different than government schools O.O I am scared!! I hope I have someone there to talk to... I think I getting better from my flu. I think I can go to the school tomorrow ^^
That's all for today

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