Tuesday, August 18, 2009

18 August, Term Exam x]

Today in school we had started our exam =P I didn't study, I didn't pack my books for it and I wasn't panicking ;P I was calm and just know that I do my best... NAH!!!! I am leaving school already! I not even getting my results back and I don't think the teachers will mark mine because they know I am gone and it will just give them more work to do xD I saw everyone studying for BM so stressful... While was I am so calm and didn't take any books to read x) Pearly was really studying =P Pearly so hardworking ;D She told me she wants to get an A =.= I will be so happy if I get B but I am not gonna learn BM anymore!! YES! WOO HOO Rachel went to merentas desa =( So we went in the hall and my table number is 098* I was all the way to the back -.- So our first paper was BM... AHAHAHA! I did Bahagian A (i) and (ii) seriously because my mom asked me to do my best -.- but for bahagian B I didn't do at all xD I just finished the test for 15 minutes and slept until test was finished =P

BM test finished and we went down for recess. Saw Bryan Hon and chatted with him for a while. I bought Nasi Lemak again x) and this time Pearly was the one to get the egg! And she got one whole egg! More than Rachel from yesterday xD So we ate and Kimberly didn't like Nasi Lemak (I think because she wasn't joining us). Me and Pearly drank Kim Milo because the sambal was hot but we kept on eating the sambal. The sambal was tasty xD Then me and Pearly went to buy chocolate ice-cream =P

Then the bell rang means recess is over and we went back to the hall =.=. It was English test now =) For English I did it seriously because I gonna need English for my whole LIFE but I still wouldn't get my results -.- but just do it. English test finished and I went to asked Puan Uma for permission if I can go find Puan Norhazita to get my English oral. She let me and I went to the bilik guru. I found her and she asked me to wait -.- I saw Yiyi and chatted with her. Then Darren and his friends came to look for teacher also (I think). Darren chatted with me and asked me why I am leaving school and stuff. He told me I got in interact club o.O and I was the only person in those 3 people who interviewed together (me, Divya and one random form 3 dude). Puan Norhazita came back and I followed her and I said Bye to Darren ;P Went to do the office to photocopy my oral paper and got my Leaving cert which was already done =D Puan Noriati randomly went to me and took out my tie O.O and then she said thanks??? She was checking the tie material because they gonna make more ties for next year(I think).

I got my English Oral, Kesihatan book, Student Profile and leaving cert. I quickly went back to the hall to do my next test which was KH. I reached there just in time because they were giving the papers already. I did my KH paper and simply put the answer. Finished in about 20 minutes and I went to sleep x) I woke up at 12.30 p.m. and I drew an Owl on the answer papers x) The owl was the The KH teacher xD! They took back our Exam KH papers and we went out to get our bags.

School finished and I saw Rachel. Me and Pearly went to her and Rachel was telling us about her Hobo story. Then Kim randomly gave Rachel a bag o.O I said Bye to them and I went to buy a drink with Aisyah ;D I bought Mocha and Aisyah bought Mango something... I love Mocha <3 My dad arrived and we went to eat at Kim Gary in Sri Hartamas Shopping Centre. I ate Baked cheese rice again ^^ and drank Milo. Finished lunch, went back home. I changed to my dance clothes but I was wondering '' Is there dance class today or holiday?? ''. I called the studio and it was Holiday -.- I changed back to house clothes and went online on the computer. Now I have to remember my steps or else Ms Shirena will scold me. I chatted with Pearly and I was watching YouTube videos. I went offline and I went to practice piano. Finished practicing, I went to have a nap Zzz

My sis woke me up -.- I went down for dinner. Today dinner was Duck Rice =P YUMMY!!! I like Duck ;P Finished dinner and I didn't follow my sis to the skate park today... I was tired. I went up to bathe and changed to pajamas....

Now online and writing on blog. I don't feel like going to school but I have to do all my leaving cert because Cikgu Maria didn't write anything and she didn't come to school -.-
That's all for today =)

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