Saturday, August 15, 2009

15 August, Aussmption day =)

Today I went to mass instead of school ^_^ Today is the feast of Assumption, the day Mother Mary went up to Heaven (you see... I do know my Bible =P). When at 9.00 a.m. and Father OC Lim is back =D!!! He is out of the hospital x) And a lot of priest attended for the mass (except Father Simon Yong because he is over sea). After mass, I saw Leonard and he broke his arm xD Aiyo Leonard but he have a sweet ride O.O BMW M5!!! My bro was jealous xD We down to the basement because there was celebration of Father Larry Tan Birthday =] Got a lot of food =P I ate pohpiah and kuey teow ^_^ T Shirt ate a lot O.O Vanessa! If you were there, you will laugh your ass off xD

Finished eating, we went back to the house to drop my sis because later she have to go to her teaching lesson. After dropping my sis, My parents, bro and I went to go to Sungai Buloh to get my bro his new car =D We got there and my bro have to learn about the car which took half an hour -.- Finished talking, we took the car for the ride xD My dad went back home with the other car. My mom and I went with my bro with his new car. My mom needs to follow because my bro don't know the way out of Sungai Buloh and I just followed for fun x)

We went to Taman Tun and bought some food back. I bought Slurpee from 7 eleven ^_^ Then went to POLO to get my mom's work file. After that, we went back home. Got home and I can see my bro is very happy of his new car -.- I help to tore the plastic and I was good at it ;P Pearly kept on calling me if I want to go Bangsar Village with her but I didn't go because I was too tired after all those activities.... So in the end I didn't go (SORRY PEARLY!! =( I REALLY WAS TIRED! I WENT TO MASS AND I WOKE UP AT 7.55 A.M. FOR IT -.-). I went online on the computer and watch some YouTube videos....

After being on the computer, I went upstairs and took a relaxing nap ^^ I woke up and I went downstairs. I went online again and chatted with people =P Then I went upstairs to bathe. After bathing and changing to pajamas, I went downstairs for dinner... I been going up and down lately -.- Today dinner was yummy =P I ate EMPERORS CHICKEN =D!! Funny name for the chicken dish xD Finished dinner, I went online on the computer.

Now online and writing on blog. Tomorrow is Sunday and it's the starting of the week which mean tomorrow is my last week =O!!! OMGOSH!!! I GONNA MISS ALL MY FRIENDS!!! I HOPE I CAN STILL BE CLOSE WITH THEM EVEN TOUGH I AM IN A DIFFERENT SCHOOL =) I am watching YouTube video now also x)
That's all for today ^^

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