Sunday, August 16, 2009

16 August, JEANS!!

Today went to mass and then went to Sunday School =P. I sat next with Vanessa and Ian sat next to me. I was between them =) Ian was writing a random list to do o.O Me and Vanessa are like ''PLAN PLAN!! 3D!!!'' xD At least the movie thing was a bit successful x) Sunday School finished, we saw Bryan Hon =P Vanessa found out that Ian Hon and Bryan Hon was wearing the same shirt xD LOL! Me and Vanessa was laughing so much (I don't really know what was so funny...). Ian ran away and chatted with Bryan for a while. Then Bryan sis came and we all went to the church. Me and Vanessa said Bye to Bryan. We both waited up near the roads and T-Shirt was there o.O Actually its normal because I always see him there but for Vanessa its her first time o.o I saw my mom and I said bye to Vanessa x)

We went to Mid valley because they(my mom and grandma+maid to care of my Grandma) while I was wanted to eat first -.- My mom scolded me because she thinks that I think myself is very important(I do not!). So she drop me off at Teppanyaki and gave me money. So I ate alone there but it was quite peaceful =P I order cawan mushi and chicken teppanyaki ^_^ YUMMY! Finished eating and called my mom to get me. I paid and my mom arrived. We became good mother and daughter again o.O Went to Metrojaya where my grandma bought her shirt already. Then I went to Caring Pharmacy and I got Oil Paper =D Its for absorbing oil from your face ;P After that, we went to Jusco and I bought cute Jeans from Apple mints ^^ I love my Jeans =P They are so cute <3!!

Finished shopping, went back home and I went online. I web cam with Rachel and she showed me a yummy chocolate cookie -.- And I saw a scary thing in her bedroom!! It look like a black ghost sleeping on her cupboard!! And then I went to bathe and changed to my going out clothes because I am going to my Uncle House to have dinner =P I said Bye to Rachel x)
Reached my uncle house. I saw Max ^^ SO CUTE AND FAT!!! FATTY BOMBOM!!! We ate dinner and during dinner, I ate a lot of Vegetables O.O Finished dinner, played with Max while watching E channel. I ate chocolate =P When we are all tired, we went back home. We said Bye to my Uncle, Aunt and Cousin.
Got home and went to shower and changed to pajamas. I went to pack all my textbook also. I have to carry all textbook to school -.- Especially the KH TEXTBOOK!! DAMN BIG!!
Now online and writing on blog. I am quite sleepy now. Bye and Gudnite
That's all for today ^^ LOVE MY JEANS!!

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