Friday, August 28, 2009

28 August, Piano Exam


I went over to Inas Grandma's house to play with her ^^ We watched Veronica Mars for almost the whole day O.O After that, we all went out for tea time at Sri Hartamas Shopping Centre (Inas's Grandma, sisters, Inas and me. Inas have two sisters named Nurisa and Aniqah =] ). I only drank Caramel Latte =P Yes Yes -.- It's Caramel. Inas was fasting but her sisters weren't because Nurisa have IT and Aniqah is sick. Inas's Grandma isn't a Muslim so that's why we went out for tea time =P Poor Inas... She saw all of us having snack and yummy drinks ;P After tea time, we went downstairs to see the book fair. Inas's sisters, Inas and I were looking at the books. Nurisa was finding books to buy while me and Inas were looking at Archie books xD I wanted to buy but my mom will scold me because I simply use my money for all these =.= Then Inas's Grandma finished shopping for her groceries. We went to the digital shop and they were showing Mr and Mrs Smith. Inas's Grandma and Grandpa were buying kettle O.O So we waited while watching Mr and Mrs Smith x) Finished buying their kettle, we went back home. Then we went to Dominos to buy pizza back =P We went there and Nurisa was choosing the pizza. Finished buying the pizza, we went back home but we got caught in the jam =.= so waited like half an hour to get back home =.= Finally got home, we ate dinner and Inas was so happy to eat again xD Inas's Grandma asked me to sleepover and I said okay x) I called my mom to ask if I can and she said yes =) Inas's Grandma driver took me back to my house and Inas and her sisters followed also O.O Got back home and my mom wasn't home so I have to find the bags =.= I packed my clothes, toiletries and stuff. I found a bag x) I took a bath at home first. Inas and her sisters were being cozy in my room.... I finished bathing and we went back to Inas's Grandma house. I even brought my Piano Pieces to practice because Inas's Grandma let me =) I practiced their piano for like 1 hour?? About that.... After practicing the piano, we went to watch Veronica Mars again x) Then 11.30 p.m. we went to brush our teeth and went to sleep. Okay we weren't sleeping yet.... We were chatting a lot and me and Inas were stealing each other pillows xD Nurisa was being funny =D She can make me laugh a lot! She is 14 years old =] Then I took out my MP3/4 and me and Inas were listening to song x) and I showed her my pictures =P After all that, I was being very tired so I felt asleep x)


Inas woke me up and we went brush our teeth. Then we had breakfast and it was tuna o.O but I like it ;D I also had Milo =P We were watch Veronica Mars again xD It's actually a series. It was gonna be 10.00 a.m. so I called my mom to pick me up but she was going to meeting so my dad gonna pick me up. So I went to change clothes and I went back to them. Another friend of theirs came also and it was my time to go back because my dad arrived... My house and Inas's Grandma house are very close because we are like only 1 road away O.O

I got back home and I quickly went to the piano to practice because today was my piano exam and I was panicking!! I was so tired also because I think I didn't get enough sleep last night so I went to sleep in my room for a while. I slept for like one and a half hour. Then I quickly went back to practice my piano!!! I practice like mad!! I was panicking!!! My mom came back and we went out for lunch. We as in me, my sis and my mom. We ate Kopitiam because we cannot eat meat today...

Finished lunch, we went to Hilton Hotel because that's the place I am having my exam O.O We reached there and we were finding which floor to go to. We ask the receptionist and ya... On the 9th floor. So we went to that floor and I gave my IC card to the people who arranging the stuffs...Then I wait in the waiting room. My piano teacher was there and talking to her other students. I was there being panicking O.O Then finally, it was my turn o.o I went in and I saw the examiner which was bald xD but he was very nice =) I played my scales and omgosh!! BAD BAD!! Next pieces....It was okay I think. Sign Reading was better than my scales o.O Oral was bad and good =.= So I finished piano exam and I want to forget everything!!!

We went back home and we got stuck in the jam =.= Finally got home, I went online on the computer and chatted with other people =) I didn't go online on the computer for like 1 day and a half O.O Then I went offline and played with my dog Nicky =] Nicky is doing better now =D My mom made soup for me and my sis. Yummy! I like soup =P After drinking the soup, we went to Mac Donald's to eat. I ate the chicken even though I cannot eat meat today, my mom allowed =D After eating, we went back home.

Got home and I played the piano. I was playing another piece which was a fun piece to play ;P After that, I went up to take a bath. After bath, I changed to pajamas and went downstairs to go online on the computer ;D

Now online and writing on blog. Tomorrow I gonna meet Pearly in Midvalley at 12.00 p.m. I hope I can pass my piano exam O.O I hoping!!
That's all for today ;D

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