Sunday, August 9, 2009

9 August, Upload picture day

Today I went to Church at 8.30 a.m. as usual. After mass, I went to Sunday School and I was the earliest there o.O I saw Bryan Hon and I said Happy Belated Birthday to him =] I asked if I can borrowed his phone to call my mom. Whoa!! His phone damn nice =D I wanted to take it and run away with it but I would feel very bad if I did. Then Vanessa popped out of no where ^_^ Then we went in to class and talk about T-Shirt x) Ian didn't come today -.- Teacher was late for 17 minutes(Kenneth said so). Today in class we were talking about Matrimony (marriage). I turned to page of Sacrament Matrimony and I saw this page which make me and Vanessa laugh like mad xD I bet everyone was like 'WTF is wrong with them?'. Vanessa kept on turning to that page and we both just kept on laughing. We were just laughing at the pic xD

After Sunday school, Vanessa and I went down and saw Bryan Hon we talk with each other for a while... I borrowed Vanessa phone because mine was out expired -.- I need to get credit! I walk to Church with Vanessa. This time Vanessa went back earlier than me ;( So backwards. I waited for half an hour for my mom to come because she was shopping in megamal!! Without me ;( Finally she came and we went to eat at Yu Yi. So long I never eaten there. I ate Kuey Teow soup =P Delicious. Me and my sis finished eating. The place was hot so me and my sis went to the car first because my Grandma not yet finish eating. My mum gave the key to my sis -.- We went in the car and my sis on the engine but it was kinda still hot because I was sweating like mad!! I quickly went out of the car and OMGOSH!! It was more cooler than the car! My sis was laughing because we went in the car to sweat -.-' My mom came and took over. Me and my sis went to 7 eleven for air conditioning. Whee...!! Cool breezes. My mom was ready to go. We went in the car and my mom told us that we didn't on the engine properly!! Omgosh!! Stupid cheh-cheh never on the engine properly -.- I wonder how she passed her driving test =.=

Got home and I slept for a long time because last night I couldn't sleep properly. I woke up from my nap and I change to my house clothes. I went online and upload picture from yesterday ^_^ Then tagged people on my picture. I upload songs also. The whole day I was uploading picture and tagging them. I chatted with some people online =] My dad told me that my batch don't need to do math and science in BM in 2012!!! I was like o.O I am gonna change school some more. Actually I didn't pay the registration yet but I still gonna continue with Calvary School because I find it more advance education than the one I am learning. I am just Grade 6 in Math and Science and that's is standard 6!!! Grade 7 is form 1. They said that I can do two grades a year if I am smart and hardworking. If I finish my grade 11 at 16 years old... I can go college already!!! If I am hardworking. Hmmm... Maybe I should give it try but I can take time do it slowly =] I just want to be educated. So I still leaving even though they changed it back.

After uploading pic, I went to bathe. After bathing, I had dinner =P My two cousin came for dinner =D Ha ha Kenneth came ^_^ This Kenneth is not the Sunday School one -.- My mom told us(my bro,sis and I) that our neighbours was scolding Nikki =O Nikki was just barking at them and they were like 'Shut up!! You stupid dog!' and my mom was there... My mom called Nikki and the neighbour saw her. So we know that the neighbours rude idiots. I hate them!! If I were there, I would be ' How rude! For a old man saying that! Go F*** yourself ' . Ya, I would say that because I seriously hate them but I don't hate their kids because their kids love animal not like horrible their parents -.- After dinner, I went to feed Chuckles and went online.

Now online and writing on blog. Tomorrow is Monday and I don't have anything tomorrow... I gonna be very bored =.= I gonna find some stuff to keep me busy =P
That's all for today =)

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