Friday, August 14, 2009

14 August, Polly wants a cracker??

Today during moral class Pearly, Rachel, Vanessa, Reena, Kim, Niro and Arvind were playing dare, darer and darrest o.O I was just watching. Then Pearly go put me and Sook teng in the game. Niro dare me to do something that looks so slutty in front of the class. I went to do it and they laughed at me -.- But I admit it, it was kinda funny. I did it because they will call me a sissy(ya Rachel, I also don't want to be called a sissy =P). Moral finished, me, Sook Teng and Vanessa went back to class. Our English teacher came in and I asked if I can look for Siti Afifah to sign the paper for my leaving certificate. Me and Sook Teng went. We finally found her after a long time looking at the yellow paper board. I went in and ask her to sign but she said she will sign it when I give all the textbook I borrowed back. Ish!! I have to bring all those heavy textbook especially KH textbook -.- Sook Teng and I went back to class.

After class, we all went down for recess. I bough Nasi Lemak today. Rachel asked me to get an egg for her -.- I went to buy Milo ice and when I got back, Rachel was dying because her throat was burning xD She drank my Milo and she still continue eating my Nasi Lemak -.- Finish eating, I walk with Pearly and we went to koperasi. She bought one can drink and I bought choki choki xD I gave Pearly one and then the bell rang... We went up to class, Sook Teng saw my choki choki and I have to give it to her. Aww Sook Teng, of cos I will give you want =P. Then we had normal class and we have to do a poster for PSK xD

School finished, I said Bye to Pearly and Kim =) My dad and I went to eat at Sri Hartamas Shopping centre. We went to eat at Station Kopitiam xD I ate tom yam fried rice. Today I cannot eat meat but I can eat my yummy tom yam fried rice because no need meat x) only prawns and cuttle fish =P After lunch, we went to eat the small pet shop. I was playing with the cute guinea pigs =D I saw a love bird and I wanted to touch it but I scared it will bite. I asked my dad '' Does it bite??'' and he said no. He tried and the bird bite his finger and was holding it. Then it let go.. LOL! I was laughing so much!! My stomach hurt because I was laughing! One guy saw and was laughing like mad! He fell down the floor also xD And he was a big adult O.O I think my dad was embarrassed. Aw daddy, don't worry.. At least you now know that this bird bites and thank goodness your not bleeding. We went to Mercarto and I bought one small ice cream box =P Then, we went back home.

Got home and I slept. I woke up at 6.30 p.m. and I went to the computer. I went up to bathe and change to my pajamas x) My sis came back from her dance and ya.. I didn't go to her dance thingy because I was lazy xD She told me it was great and blah blah... She told me she wasn't going to the MTV WORLD STAGE!!! So I asked to give me the tickets x) I not going but I am just keeping the ticket for fun =P. After that, I went to eat dinner. Finished dinner, I went online and talk to people =P I took my small ice cream box and I finished eating eat ;P yummy!! Chocolate Sundae Ice convection =\ That is the name of the ice cream xD

Now online and writing on blog. I am talking to a lot of people online now. I not going school tomorrow =D Yay!! I no need to bring soap, Manila card and the textbook!! But on Monday I have to bring and not so many people is coming tomorrow -.- I done feeding chuckles =P My guinea pig.
That's all for today

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