Friday, July 10, 2009

Finally Found a Dress for myself XD

Its night already! Tomorrow is IU day!!! Yeah! I finally found a dress for myself and I love it ;P
Pearly is coming to my place at 10 sumthing or 11.. so shall wait for her ;P At first i thought i lost my IU day ticket =O I was like panicking like mad! In the end, it was in the nemo purse... How forgetful I can be =.= Well I like the dress i gonna be wearing and I have to bring camera!!! Camwhore ;P So going IU day at 1.00 p.m. or 1.30 p.m. because Pearly wanna get the free gift... actually.. i too wanna have the free gift LOL. I also have a nice bag to go with my dress.. yeah! Ok dats all for today ;P

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