Thursday, September 3, 2009

2 September, PE!!!


Yesterday we had PE and it was quite fun ;D I Hazel was my partner in some game =P Now I remember all their name xD I am proud of myself x) (self pride is no pride). Then after PE, we went back to their school and I change back to my clothes. After changing, me and my friends went to the bookshop =P I bought lollipop from there. Then we went back to class and do all our studies. I was able to finish my page ;D After all our studies, we went to have lunch. We had rice, chicken, egg and vegetables. The lunch was okay la ;) We played a funny game while we were eating. After lunch, we went back to class and do our own kind of work. I continue doing my science, math, LA, H&G and bible. School finish, I went back home and went online. I chatted with few of my friends. I went offline and I went to watch Little Nyonya ;D After that, me and my family went to eat out. Finished eating, we went back home and I continue watching Little Nyonya. After Little Nyonya, I went to sleep Zzzz

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