Thursday, September 3, 2009

3 September, Parents away

My Parents went to Taiping because my grand aunt had pass away ='( She cook the best Miku ='( I will miss her and her Miku but my daddy said that she taught her children to make =D It been now pass to the other generation =) So my dad dropped me at school and I went to class. Said hi to my friends and then our bible ten commandments starts. After chapel devotion, we went on our studies. Today I did a lot of work =D The other days I would be a bit lazy but since my parents will be away so I did a lot of my own work in school and when I go home... I don't need to do xD

Then we had our break and I went to the bookshop. I bought Clorets =P I wanted to buy chocolate but I don't have enough money =( So I went back to class and did more work even though it was break time. Like I said... I didn't want to do work at home so I do in school ;D Then all my studies... My LA teacher wasn't here =.= So I couldn't do my LIFEPAC test for bible -.- Then lunch time came =D Today was chicken, potato wedges and coleslaw =P Today meal was nice actually ;) Except the potato wedges. Finished lunch, we went back to class and its free period. I use my free period to do my work also. I finished my work =D And school finished. My bro was fetching me so I waited. While I was waiting, I was talking to my friends about stuff x)

My bro arrived and my sis and their friend Jessi =) I said bye to my friends. We went to see Alex's Vila because they all want to play badminton at the badminton hall. We reached there and we played and I chatted with them. I played badminton for a bit. After playing, we went to send Jessi back home. After sending her back home, we went to Mac Donald's to buy Mac Flurry =P We all bought Oreo Mac Flurry xD Then we went back home.

I went online for a while and then I added some of my friends in Calvary on Facebook =) After being online, I went to take a nap for a while Zzzz. I woke up and I went online on the computer again. My bro went out to see a church play and me and my sis are stuck at home. My aunt went to Korea and parents in Taiping. So we didn't know what to eat and my sis is scared to drives =.= So we end up ordering Mac Donald's Delivery. I order chicken and it was set meal =P My sis order some food la. So waited and waited.

Food finally arrived =D Paid that delivery guy and we went in and chow ^^ I ate my chicken and watch some shows. After eating, I went online on the computer and watched some YouTube videos =P After all that, I went to take my bath and changed to my pajamas.

Now online and writing on blog. Tomorrow my bro will take me to school -.- Aiya I wonder how would be tomorrow but thank goodness tomorrow gonna be Friday ^^ (T.G.T.G.B.F) LOL(joking) but seriously.... That's is all for today =)

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