Sunday, September 6, 2009

6 September, Saints =D

Today I went to Church and listen to father Simon talk la (I don't understand him because he is so deep =.=). Mass over, I went to Sunday School =D I went in class and saw Vanessa and Ian ^^ I am reunited with some of my friends =D So I talked to them a bit and then class starts. Today we learned about Saints. I didn't prepare it =O Vanessa prepared it -.- Vanessa so goody goody xD Ian and I didn't prepare but I remembered some Saint and knew their story. The problem is... the story I know, come from what Saint O.O I quickly took out my bible and find it but it was so thick to look and the words so small =.= So it was my turn and I told teacher I also do it next week x) So teacher gave chance to me =D

Sunday School finished and I said bye to Ian and Vanessa =) I didn't see Bryan Hon O.O My dad, mom, bro and me went back home to rest. We got home and I just took a 5 minutes nap ;P Then me, my mom and dad went to Ikea to buy furniture =P We went to Ikano first to buy Nicky a new collar, guinea pig and rabbit foot and Nicky bone. After that, we went to Kuang Station to eat because I didn't eat lunch yet and never had breakfast ;O So we ate at Kuang Station. Finished eating, we went to Tesco first to buy groceries. Finished buying groceries, we went Ikea. We got in Ikea and we start looking for the shoes closet. We look at the furniture hall and we found the shoes shelf ;D We need to buy one because Nicky been biting our shoes. He took it from the shoe rack that is why we need to get a shoes closet.

We wrote it down and then we called my dad to come because he went to this Optical shop =.= We waited so long and finally he arrived =.='' Then we went downstairs and we took the trolley.. Well not really a trolley... it those like no fence and carry long boxes. So my took the trolley and I went on it xD I cannot resist it!! Its fun to ride on x) So my mom pushes me and we found the shoes closet thing. We took it and went to the counter. My mom saw Fuji cookies and went to get it. She got it and went to the counter. My mom gave me money to buy ice cream =D So I went to line up. While I was lining up, this women asked me where the line starts and I pointed at my behind where the people are lining behind me. Then she said thank you and went IN FRONT ME!!! NOT ONLY ME BUT OTHER 3 PEOPLE =@!!! I showed my middle to her and almost wanted to shout '' Your fucking rude!!!'' but I couldn't because people will think I am not educated. The man show me showing the middle to that women... He knows because that women but him also. He laugh like a hobo. I wanted to slap him for laughing b O.O EEEEE YUCK!!!

Finally it was my turn and I bought the ice cream. I gave one to my mom and I start eating mine x) Then we went back home. We got home and I went online on the computer. After being online, I went to take a nap. I woke up and went to bathe and change to pajamas. Finished all that, I went to have dinner that my mom cooked. Finished dinner, I went online on the computer.

Now online and writing on blog. Going to my school tomorrow (C.E.R.C). Tomorrow will be assembly O.O I wonder what it gonna be like.
That's all for today ;P

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