Tuesday, September 8, 2009

8 September, They sent me back =.=


Yesterday nothing happen much in school but at least they didn't sent me back home x) So I just did my work and I finished my math and science book =D So I didn't that much to do and so after lunch... I went to read the books from the table that Becky send for reading period. I read the Stepsisters 2. Kimmie told me its nice so I tried it and it was really interesting and creepy o.O After school went back home and do nothing but sleep Zzz


Today I went to school. I talked with my friends =) Class not yet start. Hazel was so kind to take everyone phone and send it to the office =] So class started and I got my bible ;D (Catholic Bible). Then I grab my chair because we were about to have our bible teaching for the ten commandments. Ms Joyce called me and told me I am still coughing and having running nose o.O I have cough but I don't have running nose =.= Screw her la. Then she told me that people who have cough have to stay at home and don't come to school. So she asked me to go back home =.= She kept saying ''This school is very strict, we don't want anything to spread and the other teacher complain '' WTF. So she asked to go the office and I went to the office. I went to Ms Sue Swen and I told her that Ms Joyce said I should go home because I am sick. So she agree and also told me the same thing that Ms Joyce told me -.- WTF la seriously =.=

So I called my dad to fetch me and called my mom that I am coming back home. I explain everything to my mom and dad. Then I went back to class to get my bag and books. Ms Joyce gave me the paper permission to let me leave school. Ms Sue Swen asked me to wait in the living room and there was one teacher doing some paper work stuff. So I sad in the room and did my work for a while. Then one person came in to see that teacher. I guess they were having a meeting. So I had to go back to the office because I cannot disturb the meeting (I wouldn't even bother actually). My dad called just in time and I went downstairs. Then we went back home..

Got home and I told my mom everything. The real story is that I cough once and they all thought I am still sick. They were surprise that I came to school yesterday. Some people must had complain about it because I think some parents saw me coughing and they must had worried about the cough (last Friday). So when Ms Joyce saw me cough ONCE. She think I am still sick =.= End of the story! Not sure if I am going to school tomorrow since I cough once which mean I go back home =.= So I went to clean chuckles cage again because I think the old cage fit better for him and easier to clean. Then I helped my mum with some house work because we have no more maid. After helping my mom, my mom gave me medicine for my cough (she told me I not really sick but she really want me to go to school tomorrow). Then I went on doing my work... Then I felt sleepy..Must be the medicine. So I told my mom I will be going for a nap. Then I went to sleep on the sofa Zzz

I woke up and found my porridge on the table. I ate my porridge =P Then I went online on the computer. After that, I went to change into my dance stuff. My mom drop me off at my dance studio. I said hi to my friends and I asked if Annie come for last lesson and it was NO. Then we saw Annie walking in the studio. I wondered if she remember her step. So class starts and Clara have half an hour class with us. Annie seem to like not confident in her steps and don't remember =.= Remembered some but .... Hard to explain.

Then Ms Shirena took over the class (Ms Shirena is our real tap teacher and she is the principle of the dance studio). Then we continued doing our steps and ANNIE!! She doesn't remember her steps and when the music starts.... She will totally forget the steps and look at Ms Shirena and smile =.= And that what made Ms Shirena hot red. Ms Shirena was like '' You are driving me insane like HELL!! LIKE HELL!!!''. We were kinda scared to say anything. So Annie made Ms Shirena in a bad mood =.= Annie didn't practice her steps while she was having her holiday. She didn't practice with the music that Ms Shirena gave her. I do because I love dancing <3!!! Why in the world did Annie take tap dancing lesson and she gonna take jazz lesson later!! I don't think she love dancing at all!! I love dancing because its like a passion to me. Its a passion to me and my sis and other people who love dancing like I do x) So thanks Annie for making Ms Shirena in a bad mood which make me scared to do wrong steps which in the end I didn't =D So in the end of class, Ms Shirena asked me and Sally to stay back for 2 hr 30 mins to help ANNIE!!! 1 hr 30 min for our normal class and 1 more hr to help Annie with the steps =.= I agree because it could help me revise my work =D

My sis and mom came to fetch me and we went back home (my sis drives us home). I went to take a bath and changed into pajamas. Then my cooked dinner and I was doing my work at the same time. Dinner was ready and we all went to had dinner except my bro because he went out with his friends. After dinner I went back doing my work. I was doing Mathematics Roman Numerals xD It was kinda fun doing it but it was hard =\ Then I went online on the computer.

Now online and writing on blog. I don't if I am going school tomorrow =\ Because if they heard me cough ONCE, I will be send back home =.= So tomorrow we see if I cough before I go to school. If got cough, I don't go to school. And if I don't go to school, I stay back with Rachel tomorrow x)
That's all for today...

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