Tuesday, September 29, 2009

29 September, I am gonna do a show =D

I was busy doing the last 2 days x) Today in school was okay la and we ate Nasi Lemak for lunch =P I finished my water O.O because the sambal was too hot D= Then finished school and I went back home. I saw Eugene xD LOL! Then I went to my tap class. We did out dance solo and went ANNIE went to dance and she wasn't so sure so Sally went to dance with her. While she was dancing with Sally, she still couldn't remember the steps!! She didn't even try!! So went Sally finished and Annie didn't do anything. Ms Shirena said she not gonna yell or scold. She asked why Annie can remember went she had done it with her like more than 5 times. For us we did like 3 times and we get it already O.o Annie said that she don't really practice at home. Ms Shirena asked if any of us practice at home. And what coincidence, we all practice in School when we are sitting on our table xD The boys said don't practice but they can remember it.

So Ms Shirena told Annie that she might have to stay for Grade 4 another year which mean she will go back to her last class. WOW! Another year being Grade 4 O.O I skipped a grade with Annie also but I can catch up. Then it was mine turn and my legs was shaking because they way Ms Shirena said to Annie frightened me O.O But then when I did the dance ''Stop Time'' and finished it, Ms Shirena said that I have good rythm =D Yeah Me! Then I did the dance '' Rock'' and finished it, Ms Shirena said I should be careful not to slow down at the last part =.= At least I remember the steps.

Class finished, Ms Shirena gonna take Annie out of the Exam =O She went to talk to the mom. That's all I know so far because I went back early. I got home and I slept for a while Zzzz. Woke up and went to ate dinner. Finished dinner, I went to take a bath and changed into my pajamas. Then I went online on the computer.

Now online and writing on blog. I have big news!!!!!! I am gonna do a dance for my Grandma birthday!! SOLO!!! I am doing tap ;D I am gonna dance in front of a hundred people O.O I am getting scared now. I am choosing the song Jail Rock House by Elvis Presley ;) Okay I am gonna step doing my steps now =D
That's all for today =]

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