Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I Didn't go to school today because they will surely they will send me back if i cough once =.= I just stayed at home and do all my work. Then my mom gave cough medicine to me which made me sleepy. So I went to sleep Zzzz

I woke up and my dad came back with chicken rice =P I ate my chicken rice for lunch and then I went online on the computer. I read some stuff on the computer for almost a whole day x) Then I finished reading, I went to take my bath and changed into pajamas. Then went online again and I was doing a research for Saint. I don't know is Ian doing it =.= Vanessa finished it. How does she remember ?!?O.O

My mom cooked dinner. Dinner was ready and I went offline on the computer. I ate dinner and drank lemon honey ;P After dinner, went online on the computer.

Now online and writing on blog. I going to school tomorrow. Hope I try not to cough because I don't wanna be send back home =.= I also wanna read the Stepsister 2 book O.O Nothing happen much today =.=
That's all for today.

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