Saturday, September 26, 2009

26 September, SWIMMIING ^^

Today I went to go swimming with Rachel and Pearly. I fetch Pearly and then go to Rach's house. Had lunch at her house. Thanks for lunch Rachel =P Then Rachel had to bathe Diesel (her dog). I helped bathing him x) Her dog so CUTE AND SMALL!! While Nicky is CUTE AND MEDIUM SIZE!! (lol). watched Proposal because we were going swimming like at 4.30 p.m. So we watched movie while waiting. The Proposal was so cute xD Then we stop the show because Rachel's mom arrived back to take us there. We went to swim at THE CLUB (its the club name...seriously). I have prove but its in my camera and I cannot upload it now. Tomorrow I will upload it x) Then we went on the big slide xD We kept on playing it. Then swim swim, we cam whore xD (of course). After swimming, we went to take a bath and Pearly bought Coke. Then I drank some also. Went in the bathroom to bathe. Finished bathing, Rachel's mom took us out to eat at Old Town. Then Pearly was dizzy and sick. She went to toilet because she needed to vomit. Awww Pearly =(( I hope your better now). I think it must be the coke...actually it is. I ate Ipoh Hor Fun and Rachel ate some maggi spring sausage?? Pearly couldn't eat anything but she ordered kaya and butter toast but she didn't have appetite so me and Rachel ate it xD Pearly only drank the hot chocolate. Finished dinner, Rachel's mom send Pearly back home. Got there and we dropped Pearly. Then its my turn to go back home. I got home and I thank Aunty and said Bye to everyone. My family was still eating dinner. I ate potato only x) After eating potato, I went to unpack my stuff and changed into pajamas. Then Pearly called me and she told me she already fine =)

Now online and writing on blog. Tomorrow I will upload the pic =) I am very tired also -.-
That's all for today =D
P.S I had fun swimming at THE CLUB

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