Saturday, September 5, 2009

4 September, They thought that was sick =.=

I woke up early to let Nicky do his business xD I did his food and mine =P My parents was still in Taiping and they were coming back already. I packed my school stuff and went to wake up my bro. I went online on computer for a while =P My bro finally woke up and I wore my shoes. Then we went off. I have to tell direction to the school but he seem to know so I kept quiet ;) Reached the school and I took what time my bro have to fetch me.

I went into class and saw my friends. I went to talk to them =) Then we had to go to chapel devotion. We went down to the hall (small) and sang some songs O.O After singing, we watch some shows about the bible and stuff. We watched Mosses and the ten commandment's. I have to admit it... While I was watching, I wanted to laugh like hell because the movie stunts was damn fake and the people talk so damn funny. I was expecting the languages to be old Jew languages but it was English xD OMGOSH!! I didn't dare to laugh because I scared they all think I am a person who make fun of religion (Hey I am a christian also...Catholic christian ;]). I kept on biting my tongue to prevent me to laugh xD

After the movie finished =D We all went back to class. Then we do our own work. I did a lot of work but I planned to leave some page at home because I seem to finishing it. I just wanted to do at home because I don't think I will have anything to do at home. Then we had our break time x) I went to the book shops with my friends. I bought chocolate =P And I ate it all because I was kinda hungry O.O Then I chatted with my friends. After all that, our break time finished and we went back to class. While I was doing my own work, Ms Joyce called me. I went to her and she asked me if I was sick O.O I told her no..... Then I went back to do my own work and she called me back =.= I went to her and she asked me to stand beside her and I did. She suddenly put a thermometer on my head O.O I waited for a while and my temperature was 38 degrees and she said slightly got fever =.= So she asked me to go she Ms Sue Swen and I did. She told do I want to call my parents to take me back but I told her my parents are in Taiping and my bro is busy. That mean I don't have transport. So she asked me to do my work in the living room which mean I am being quarantine =.=

So I went back to class and took all my stuff. My friends said they will visit me there after school. I went to see Ms Sue Swen again and she gave me a mask!! OMGOSH!! I DON'T FEEL SICK =.= Then I went in the living room and did my own work but I didn't know some question and I couldn't go downstairs to ask teacher since I am being quarantine =.= So I took a nap for a while since no one was looking ;P And I also took out the mask because it was so sweaty wearing it ;0 Then I woke up and continue to do another subject which was LA. Then Ms Sue Swen came in and told that they will bring the food to me for lunch. So I continued doing my work... And then Hazel and Kimmie went to see me and asked me if I was feeling better =.= I not even sick. They told I also don't look sick (see...). Then they went to the library which was next door.

Lunch time came and they did brought food for me. It was mee and some curry vegetables. So I ate it and the curry vegetables was better than the mee. So I put the plate outside the door because that what Ms Sue Swen told me to do. Then I was so tired of doing my work and I went to lie down on the sofa =P Then I saw a building out the window so I start taking out one empty page and start drawing it. Then I was so tired of drawing but school finished already. So I took wore my shoes (Cannot wear shoes in the living room). I went to take my phone from the office and went down. I saw my friends and they asked if I was feeling better and I told ya... ;)

Finally my bro arrived with my sis. Then we went home. Said hi to Nicky and I played with him for a while. I went online on the computer. My sis called me to help bathe Nicky and I did. After bathing, I have to dry him. Finished drying him, I went online on the computer again. I chatted with some of my friends. Then I felt so sleepy, I went to my room. Then I woke up and went online on the computer. After all that, my parents came home from Taiping. My bro also came back from taking my sis to some where. Then I went to bathe and change to clothes.

We all went out to eat at O.K Restaurant. Ate fat mee and fried rice. I drank Milo ice and then my sis finally arrived from her practicing gymnastic stuff. Finished eating, went to Jasema book shop and I bought Archie's Comic books to read because I was bored a few days. After buying it, we went back home.

Got home and I watched some TV. Then I went to washed up and changed into pajamas. I watched my Little Nyonya show. After the show, I went to sleep Zzzz

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